
Yu Xihong's Shaw Bros Library A-D

Another 87. Some of the Avenging Eagle cues sound like they were done in the style of "Star Wars." The Brave Archer "themes" were done in the style of "Where Eagles Dare." It's a shame that the incidental stuff isn't really out there. Most of what is... is the funky, goofy, kitsch, band type stuff.

12 Gold Medallions
A Deadly Secret
Abbott of Shaolin
Anonymous Heroes
Avenging Eagle
Bastard Swordsman
Blood Brothers
Boxer From Shantung
Boxer Rebellion
Brave Archer
Brave Archer 2
Brave Archer 3
Challenge of the Masters
Chinatown Kid
Clan of Amazons
Clans of Intrigue
Crippled Avengers

Look for D-H in a few days.

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