

Here are a few re-ups. I know there are still a few things missing. I'll have to see if I can still get a hold of them. I know for sure that "Intrigue, Betrayal, and Espionage" is gone. Lost in a computer crash.

These are my first 4 mixes and one of my few lounge comps. Enjoy.

For Mackish Affairs Only
59th and Easy Street
Get Spiffy
Splendid Agenda
The Best of Erotic Lounge


SelfScience said...

Peace Hrangue!

How are you? Glad that you are still hanging around. Thanks for your work! I'm still digging the Kung Fu library music. Email me when you get a chance. selfscience06@gmail.com

I want to start a new project for Kung Fu Funk. Maybe you can help.

Hrangue said...

Thanks man, I'll shoot you an email tomorrow sometime.


Thanks a bunch, Brotherman !
You're a Star !

Hrangue said...

No problem man, I know you asked me a while ago.

F for Frank said...

WOW! What is the backing track for Innkeeper Thankless Outro? I must hear the rest.

Hrangue said...

Here it is...


Really, that was the whole track.

Here's a re-up of the LP... not my rip.
